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深圳有滋味(双语版)|第57期:繁花之行 龙呈大运

发布日期:2025-01-03 18:46    点击次数:125

深圳新闻网2024年2月6日讯(记者 杨佳慧 阎思远 林恒鑫 李丹璐 张玲)新春贺喜。这一次,我们在繁花中,迎来春节。2月3日,2024龙岗区迎春花市在深圳北理莫斯科大学开市,这也是深圳北理莫斯科大学首次设立花市。金洪竹和Alya一同来到花市,体验不一样的广式年味。Chinese New Year is coming,let's celebrate the Spring Festival with flowers. February 3rd,2024 Longgang District Spring Festival flower fairy in Shenzhen MSU-BIT University,which is the first time to usher in the flower market in Shenzhen MSU-BIT University. Miss Jin Hongzhu and Alya came to the flower market together,experience a different sense of Cantonese New Year.(更多内容,请点击专题:深圳有滋味)在蝴蝶兰中穿行,新春喜庆的气氛扑面而来。(李丹璐 摄 ,阎思远 设计)龙岗迎春花市主入口。(李丹璐 摄)硕果累累的年桔。(李丹璐 摄)龙岗迎春花市主入口。(张玲 摄)看了又看。(李丹璐 摄)五彩缤纷的多肉植物。(张玲 摄)孩子也跟着逛花市。(李丹璐 摄)女孩子看到花儿,心情都非常愉悦。(张玲 摄)蝴蝶兰、绣球、冬青……乱花渐欲迷人眼。在繁花似锦的迎春花市,各摊位的鲜花争奇斗艳地述说着关于新春的寄语。Phalaenopsis, hydrangea, holly……The flowers are in disarray. In the colorful Spring Flower Market, flowers from various stalls compete to tell the message about the New Year.蝴蝶兰是花市上最受欢迎的年花之一。(李丹璐 摄)和龙年有关的手持灯笼让人爱不释手。(李丹璐 摄)诸事皆宜。(张玲 摄)孩子坐在大人的肩头上看舞狮表演。(李丹璐 摄)金洪竹最喜欢这条金鱼手持灯笼。(张玲 摄)在龙岗迎春花市的摊主吴女士向我们展示这款精美的灯笼。(张玲 摄)龙年,亦是农历甲辰年。在人潮汹涌的集市中,一家以龙为主题的摊位吸引了金洪竹和Alya的目光,她们各自拿着祥龙和锦鲤,给大家送来新春祝福。The Year of the Dragon is also the Lunar Calendar of the JIACHEN. In the midst of the crowded bazaar, a dragon themed store caught the eyes of Kim and Alya, who each held auspicious dragons and koi carp to deliver New Year's greetings.在福字旁画条龙。(李丹璐 摄)在龙岗迎春花市的书法春联摊位,书法老师的古装扮相让我们瞬间穿越。(张玲 摄)每个人的福,都各有特色。(张玲 摄)金洪竹、Alya和书法老师展示写满吉祥祝福语的春联。(李丹璐 摄)龙岗迎春花市的现熬奶茶。(张玲 摄)把祝“福”写下来。(张玲 摄)书法的起源可以追溯到商朝时期,而在新春佳节写书法不仅意在对新春的期许,也是对传统文化的一种无声的延续。Alya在书法老师的指导下,一笔一画地写下“福”的隶书,旁边龙腾环绕,乘云驾雾,为新年带来祥瑞。The origin of calligraphy can be traced back to the Shang Dynasty, and writing calligraphy during the Lunar New Year is not only a sign of hope for the New Year, but also a silent continuation of traditional culture. Alya, under the guidance of her calligraphy teacher, wrote the clerical script of "FU" one by one, with the dragons circling around it, riding on the clouds and fog, which brings auspiciousness for the New Year.金鱼和龙,都惟妙惟肖。(李丹璐 摄)这条龙透着一股子喜庆。(李丹璐 摄)逛花市可太开心了。(李丹璐 摄)龙岗迎春花市现场的奶茶铺一角。(张玲 摄)是谁,拿着金鱼灯笼,嘴角一直上扬。(李丹璐 摄)逛完花街,买好年花,提上灯笼,在金洪竹和Alya中英俄三语“新年快乐”的祝福中,让我们一起期待农历龙年春节的到来。After strolling through the Flower Street, buying New Year's flowers and carrying lanterns, let's look forward to the arrival of the Spring Festival of the Year of the Dragon in the Chinese Lunar Calendar, amidst the blessing of "Happy New Year" in Chinese, English and Russian by Jin Hongzhu and Alya.这一树桃花可真美。(张玲 摄)戴上中国戏曲风的头饰,就是东方美。(张玲 摄)减龄的兔子耳朵头饰一戴,你就是最美的妞。(张玲 摄)又美又可爱,就是你们啦。(张玲 摄)和家人一起到花市摆摊的小姑娘,为我们展示她最爱的汉服。(张玲 摄)【资讯】龙岗迎春花市开放时间: 2024年2月3日—9日,每天10:00至21:00(2月9日除夕当天为10:00至17:00)。【交通】公交:乘坐公交M219路至深圳北理莫斯科大学站,步行至学校。地铁:乘坐深圳地铁14号线至大运地铁站,转公交M219路至深圳北理莫斯科大学站,步行至深圳北理莫斯科大学。【Information】Opening Hours: February 3-9, 2024, 10:00 to 21:00 daily (10:00 to 17:00 on New Year's Eve)【Transportation】Bus:Take bus M219 to Shenzhen Beili Moscow University Station, walk to the school.Subway:Take Shenzhen Metro Line 14 to Dayun Metro Station, transfer to Bus M219 to Shenzhen MSU-BIT University University Station, walk to SZBMO.面对这么多年桔,两人表示难以选择。(张玲 摄)欢迎大家都来迎春花市逛逛,开启喜庆的龙年。(张玲 摄)海报摄影:李丹璐海报设计:阎思远

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